
Do you have a link to that info? I’m curious to read it.

Exactly. And fashion is not about flattering a figure, it’s about design.

I don’t think it was because it mentioned on camera, but because the conversation surrounding it was longer hers to control. It was gross, and gossipy, and probably hurt a lot.

Did you originally make the error, or correct it above?

So much money and she’s dry cleaning a random period stained pillow. JUST BUY A NEW ONE!

no one is chasing after you. bye!

What do you know of her lyrics (outside of what’s been released on the radio)? I don’t think she’s the greatest musician by any means, but to call her lyrics childish after 1989 came out seems unfair. Listening to Ryan Adams’ covers really puts a spotlight on some of her lyrics.

So if there is no purpose for it in the original article, why are you defending it as though it’s helped shape the DJ’s character? Kind of seems you’re tapping out at the point someone logically mapped shit out for you.

I actually thought her clarification helped him out. Clover’s description makes it sound like he was an asshole randomly to Minaj, and the point of bringing it up was to frame him as a guy who is usually an asshole.

But if the tidbit shared to define his character is wrong, then a correction IS appropriate.

See, I’m from Texas, and yeah, you’re right ;)

While I don’t necessarily agree with everything you’re saying, I’m gonna submit the addition of “YA’LL” when the writer is clearly not from a place where “ya’ll” is the norm.

Exactly. She’s vanilla, but vanilla done really well.

Exactly. She’s vanilla, but vanilla done really well.

Me too. I go to work and think, what does it all mean? It means nothing and I am nothing.

Bathrooms are the “Base!” of adult rape tag.

lol @ you

Really young and really old lose their age-gauge. I’m 33 which is “so old/so adult” to someone in high school, even someone under 26. So when they meet someone who doesn’t fit the 33 y/o model they have in their head (kids, mom-ed out) then it’s a surprise.

I’m from Houston and w/o going into details Beyonce is her age (if anything she would only be 1-2 years off).

Her weird marble mouthed lisp alone would give me this answer.