
Wow Joe the Plumber. That's a throwback asshole.

I am curious if there's going to be any material about The Fuck in the new season.

I don't feel angry that this happened, so I don't think so.


If he actually saves this thing I am gonna have to take back a lot of mean things I said.

oh thank god I can't take the suspense anymore.

Apparently Pence left? That's a good sign, right?

Wow it's almost like you can't just change government policy by saying stuff on the internet.


I yelled what the fuck during Spider-Man Homecoming.

I really don't think Republicans needed foreign meddling to discriminate against gay people.

I seriously don't think he knows what the letters stand for.

Um, doesn't that math only work if you assume that one-hundred percent of men in the military are on Viagra?

Because Republican voters still support him and they don't want to alienate the base.

Because since the election we live in a hellworld and it's the only thing any of us can think about at least half the time.

*Ron Howard voice* it was for worse

Yeah, but at least we know Pence will probably leave if he gets voted out.

Also, if anyone actually did that they would be my hero.

Serious question: do quote-tweets count as retweets? because a lot of those could be saying stuff like "fuck this is" if so.

I'm not really interested in having a "rational" discussion about whether or not certain people deserve equal rights, thanks.