As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.
As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.
Reading that was cathartic and I empathize with the daughter. I was abused as a kid and I’m currently trying to negotiate and grapple with both loving my parents and being angry with them. They pretty much refuse to acknowledge the damage and hurt they inflicted and just deflect and guilt trip. It is not helpful when…
I need her to write obits for a few of my relatives. What a badass.
There’s a widespread misconception that everyone who dies is entitled to a flattering postmortem; that their lives…
she should listen to her friend billy zane, he’s a cool guy.
About five years ago, my husband Adam and I decided that it was finally time to start looking to purchase a house. We had always talked about buying an older, fixer upper home because we’ve had the idea that they hold more charm and character. Plus we can appreciate a place that has it’s own quirks and we love the…
The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs…
This isn’t my story, personally, but it’s one that has kicked around my family for so long that it definitely feels like it’s mine. It’s been told and re-told, but I do think that the central details are very solid.
Gather round, ghoulies, ghosties, and goblins. It’s time for what is both the best and most dreaded time of the…