Am I crazy
I suspect the tech knows down to the penny exactly how much for the 2021.
Huh? Wrong.
[24 hours later] “Here’s what’s going on with this wheel [slideshow]”
came here to say this!
Drive that to the grocery store and tell me it’s the same thing.
Imagine seeing “The extrajudicial killings of black people must stop” and thinking “I don’t agree with that. In fact, I disagree with it so much I’m not going to visit a website for even suggesting it.”
Wow, just wow. No no...please don’t go. No....stop....
You say Marxist as if you know what it means...
Side topic: I secretly like the Fiat Renegade. I just wish they all had the Trailhawk rather than the Kia Soul front bumper, and I wish it came with shocks.
Ah, yes, because if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the last few weeks, it’s that the cops can be trusted to do the right thing.
It’s gray.
Actually this does frequently indicate a problem with your car. The reason gas is splashing back up the filler neck is usually because the evap ventline or filler tube vent line in your car filler neck is clogged. This means as the gas goes into the tank, instead of the air having a second way to get to the top of…
Leave it to Jalopnik to cry out for buttons when their isnt any, and explode when theres too many... w/e
Shouldn’t that just be two pictures of Saab? Because had GM not prolonged their life they’d have died off in the late 80s or early 90s.