
24 hours doesn’t seem like an alarmingly long time to stay inside. My neighbors would be calling the police on me during every Law & Order marathon

If it wouldn’t be a massive waste of time and resources, I’d love to see the FBI go “oh yeah, well if you knew about it before it happened, we’ll have to assume you were involved and investigate”.

“I should be a newscaster because I called it before the news”

You can do it. I happened to be one of her coaches for the event. Anyone can do it if they follow a training plan and put in the time. She worked really hard and did great. Take a look at a number of organizations out there that can get you to the finish line. Life is too short to not just go for it.

Fallon is an idiot.

Holy Guacamole you win. I thought I had it bad in the Year of Our Lord 2007 with someone who would throw her books at the wall if I used the TV (but then blared it herself all day) but, no. No. I was lucky. Egads.

Meh - this joke came after he joked she was slutty “I heard you got sodomized a lot” which in the PC world is equally “not cool”.

so are you defending a man who played an anal rape scene as a joke in a movie?

In your gender-swapped scenario is it still in response to the woman telling the man she heard he likes to fucked in the ass a lot?

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

I don’t really see how he can get offended after saying “I heard you get sodomized quite often”. I mean, her initial comment about the demon was off-color, but no more off-color than the fact he chose to be in a scene that played a rape as comedy in the first place. And her response was, if anything, a de-escalation

Don't care. Still excited as all get out. If it's even half as egregious as Reign, I'll consider it a historic success. -Signed, a historian

As long as it explains about Victoria becoming a werewolf.

His supporters on Gawker used to regularly explain that you can’t actually listen to what he SAYS, because he’s not smart enough to understand policy and also he’s only saying offensive things to appeal the base.

One afternoon I found myself in a Lord and Taylor Women’s department, completely surrounded by Ivanka Trump clothing. Made in China, Vietnam, Mexico... nothing was made in the USA. If Donald Trump can’t make his own daughter manufacture her products in the US, how can he make Ford do it?.

Is it okay if I- white, straight, male- play this game, too? Because I like it!

She is. Just check the label on my one Ivanka handbag.

“Employees at the Trump SoHo, New York and Miami hotels, as well as the Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida, all said that they do not offer workers paid maternity leave”

Yes Ivanka, Cosmo readers do and should care about issues impacting women and children (and families of all kinds) which is why they fucking asked you those questions.

The year it 2007, I am a college freshmen w/ a suitemate that was pretty enough no one ever was like, hey, she’s kind of a whackjob.