
My favorite part is the whole “Its fine for me to talk to you this way, but rather than matching my tone you definitely should have been much nicer to me than I was to you so basically the fact that I was a bitch is your fault.” I bet she’s a ton of fun!

Until they tell me they checked his seat for needles, or did a full medical check-up on the kid to make sure he didn’t accidentally stick himself, I do not believe this. Children of drug users stick themselves all the time.

Cops for the most part, do carry narcan. I read in the story that the officer administered the drug. A quick search of “cop administered narcan Ohio” yielded quite a few stories of that happening.

I fucking hate this society of “post everything on social media before responding to an emergency like a human.”

You cannot assess the child’s immediate danger by looking at him. He may not have been at risk of immediate death, but that doesn’t mean he would not have benefited from being removed from the situation quickly.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at

It has always bugged the shit out of me that these cops stopped to take a picture instead of fucking helping them instantly. INSTANTLY. That child should have INSTANTLY been removed from that car and that situation and his grandparents should have been INSTANTLY assessed for overdose. Why in the fuck did they take

I believe he invited himself to Flint as a PR stunt. Some people scrambled to accommodate him, maybe because they want to remind other Americans that their citizens still do not have drinking water.

Ya, nervous like a rock.

Facts are un-American. Why do you hate the troops?

Huffpo did a follow-up on her claims that her father provided paid maternity leave for his workers. Surprise! He doesn’t!

Your ability to discern between reliable and unreliable sources of information calls into question your ability to have an informed conversation on the topic entirely. So yes. By throwing out YOU as someone who I should be wasting my time on, I’ve thrown out those sources as well. And yes, I will always trust

You just referenced an article in the Daily fucking Mail dude.... That’s the same Daily Mail who we were all cautioned not to trust with new Top Gear rumors and you're relying on them for global criminal statistics. I’ll stick to believing the report created by Germany’s Federal Police Agency and you can keep trusting

If someone goes through the legal process of becoming a US citizen, assimilates with US policies and pay taxes I’ll welcome them with open arms.

For real. I half expected him to say “Oh thank god.”

Can we get her to moderate the debates?

I love this woman.

Self-fulfilling prophecy. We say we don’t want them because they’re “violent criminals”...but the reality being they’re violent criminals because the world sees their plight and reacts by saying they don’t give a darn, no?

Because we don’t want to deal with the mess we encourage by supporting Middle East conflict?