Traveled to Latin America to maternal child health programs and school meal operations.
Traveled to Latin America to maternal child health programs and school meal operations.
No shade intended, but isn’t “to save the day” the job of pretty much every lead in a movie? Not sure why Matt Damon is singled out here- should be the producers/directors/writers only funding/hiring/writing wypipo as leads. I mean, Damon can suck it as far as I’m concerned, but thinking the criticism should be shared…
So, I see that the author deleted the line about ‘17 white lives.’ Without explicitly admitting to the error, he then added a postscript about how he recognizes the victims weren’t all white while implying that anyone who questioned the ‘17 white lives’ statement knew that the ‘real’ reason people cared about this…
Nope nope nope. Don’t try to shame us. Monique is a B List comedian and not surprised Netflix wouldn’t give terms like Chris Rock or David Chappelle. Come on....she can’ even sell out comedy clubs that seat 200 people.