
You clearly have no clue about mixed race families. But white guy commenter is white guy commenter - will never change.

A smear campaign designed to make a biracial white/black man look white is pretty racist, and dumb to believe.

Can we please get this bumped up higher in the queue? These gullible idiots who happily repeat anything Breitbart says are getting on my nerves. It’s like Shirley Sherrod never existed for them.

+1 to CunninLynguists. Those are some good dudes that make incredible music

*Citation needed (not breitbart)

I’m not sure you understand the concept of a “smoking gun.”

Whatever he may be (he has said he is black biracial, I believe that), he has black children without a doubt. He has an interested in making sure his children aren’t gunned down for minor violations.

They could not kill them. They spare the lives of white people that pull guns on them all the time.

My buddy is listed as the father on his son’s birth certificate, yet he and everyone else knows he is not the real father. I imagine it’s uncommon, but not unheard of. I’m not sure the birth certificate is the smoking gun it’s claimed to be.

Wonderful article as always Greg. When I read the part about black people not being safe in the park, their school, ect... It reminded me of this article about Doug Glanville that appeared on Deadspin about a year ago. Black men are not even safe at their own homes.