
Because you make asinine statements like black people cant be racist. So if a black person does something negative to say a white person just because they are white and makes it clear its because they are white, that they are not being racist? Or say you have two applicants for a job, one is white and one is black and

You mad. Getting bitch slapped without a retort will do that


Black Panther is an alt-right fantasy. The hero is the unelected leader of a nationalistic, isolationist ethnostate with zero immigration, no democracy, a singular obsession with tradition and a mortal fear of cultural exchange. In the comics, Wakanda even has (I swear, I’m not making this up) a Big, Beautiful, Wall.

Is that how you get out of the greys? Begging like a peasant?

Do you think black people will treat or view you differently from the rest of the dreaded “white manhood” if you debase yourself? Cuz the answer’s no.

Mansa Musa, for centuries the Mali kingdom made Western Europe look like a collection of shithole countries.

Ozzy Osbourne already had a TV show...

Ahhh... the MTV study!

He’s the showrunner. 

Ever seen the stats posted by the BJS? White on black rape is basically non-existent

I’d much rather have Trump out on a golf course than implementing his agenda.

If he/she were really really a true hero, then she/he would have taken Kinja out at the same time.

If he/she were a true hero, then she/he would have crashed Twitter forever and gone out like Slim Pickens on the HBomb

For no good reason? It gave a pathetic little pussy ass whelp like you another good reason for you to ignore that yer a fake ass bitch who needs his fake ass kicked like the weakling your father raised you to be. You fucking joke of a writer.

“desperate for public attention but lacks talent, so he has to settle for outrage” - the avclub since ca. mid 2016

Yep, she does. She lost to Trump, and for all the pious bleating about whitelashes and male privilege, the main reason she lost was that she ran a shit awful campaign and has about as much personal charisma as a stack of gas bills.

Heckuva job, Brannie.

“Stay tuned for the avalanche of white tears.”