
You make a good point and it’s well-taken. Tomsula seems like a genuinely good person and I hope he comes out of this OK.

I don’t know if you’re right or wrong (I know absolutely nothing about NFL cheerleading, tbh) but let’s assume you’re right. You dream of being an NFL cheerleader your whole life and try out. You get hired without inquiring about pay.

So, what? There’s an octopus driving my Honda down at the bottom of the ocean or something? When does my car get delivered by the octopus? I’ll tip handsomely to get my fucking car.

People take low-paying jobs, generally, because they lack the skills to get one that pays higher wages.

Jim Irsay makes a smart decision? WTF? Is Indianapolis out of OxyContin or something?

I think that NFL rules should mandate that when a coach is terminated, he must be fired from a cannon placed at the 50 yard line and sent through the goalposts, then the stadium exit. It’d be fun and that way the coach wouldn’t feel so bad for getting shitcanned.

Agreed. No NFL team needs cheerleaders at all. As the Op-Ed mentions, six teams don’t have a squad. They produce nothing, and to be frank, I don’t know why the other 26 teams have one either. My guess is they are sent out to hospitals, schools, etc. as PR. And are probably paid an appearance fee.

The owners, generally, are indeed rich assholes. And adult women that choose to be cheerleaders are pretty out there too. Get a fucking life.

College athletes are doing the exact same thing and don’t get paid all at all.

People make minimum wage because they have minimum skills and can’t get hired for more money.

If they’re actually working a job, why did they have to pass special legislation subjecting it to State labor law, including minimum wage? If was an actual “job” it would have already been included, wouldn’t it?

Well, if you go to work for Tom Benson, don’t be surprised when he treats you like you’re a Tom Benson employee.

Capitalism will mean that job goes away. Like I said, cheerleaders don’t produce anything for the club. Maybe calendar sales or whatever. But if a woman wants to do the job, for whatever reason, for the pittance they’re paid, she should be allowed to do so. NFL owners are, as a general rule, rich assholes. See Haslam,

I don’t know. I mean, what value does a cheerleader bring to the team? As the op-ed says, six teams don’t have any at all.

I don’t disagree with you, but these women knew the job paid shit when they signed up for it, right? I have to be missing something here because I don’t understand why there is any outrage over what they were paid. If they wanted more money, they shouldn’t have taken the job.