You do.
You do.
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.
Not really surprised you left it out due to its obscurity and soviet pedigree, but Come and See may be the heaviest, hardest-to-watch, and most impactful WWII film you could possibly view. Directed/written by a survivor of the Belorussian genocide and co-written by a survivor of the Battle of Stalingrad about a 13…
He’s not a terrorist, he’s a true patriot for exposing the lies YOU were being fed from the government. That’s the problem with America. Not enough people stand up to the government to make real change. We could learn a lot from the Europeans. Their government is afraid of them, not the other way around.
(read in commentators voice and spirit)
Anyone else hoping for the guy filming to be struck by lightening?
Ironically, aircraft made primarily of carbon fiber composites, like the Boeing 787, require the addition of metal to the fuselage to ensure proper lightning protection.