That’s why we should just do what’s necessary and replace everything with Dipshit 1, Dipshit 2 etc.
That’s why we should just do what’s necessary and replace everything with Dipshit 1, Dipshit 2 etc.
Counterpoint: Damian Lewis looks like Galvin Belson in that first picture which reminds us all that Silicon Valley is coming back.
His defense is his head looks like a talking dick and ballbag, so I’m sure that’s open to misinterpreation.
This is how E steals all those rating sweet spot older views from Fox News.
From my experience, she is probably trying to find where exactly the penis is at. It’s a good first step before the crying.
What a bunch of fucking sad losers. They must have gotten worn out from all that winning.
It’s like someone took an algorithm of me and pumped out a movie. I want to see this now please and thank you. When John Hawkes shows up I had to scream “I already said yes, but ok and thank you.”
What do Gillette razors think of this?
James Cameron is gonna break the record for longest shit taken.
I was completely clueless about a new Smurfs movie. I was like, “Ok, there’s some dude smurfs in this song about a lady, makes sense. I will await the twist ending where she climbs out of a pool of LSD.”
Conversations you want to avoid being part of:
I googled “burrito bag” and got this. Is this the same thing? I’m stupid about fashion, but this looks hot.
If i’m reading this wikipedia page correctly, which is doubtful, she is a rap person who shot another person and then went to jail because of all the shooting. Before jail another rap person vaguely rapped songed about something that might have resembled Ms. Ma. She was all the sads about this. And said something…
It’s called magnum.
That article is god damn gold.
It’s hard to understand her as her face as melted into her brain.
That is the slogan from the Purge. So that works.
She’s the worst.
The Kiffins asked for proof of life. This didn’t help.
Holy shit that deserves all the Oscars ever.