
I hope the NBA actually sticks to this new rule, unlike the flopping rule that they just don’t apply anymore. That’s another way players like Harden are able to erroneously fabricate points

That 31,500 is the men that Ms TL has provided special services too, while working her night gig

It’s Stupid for you to open your mouth to show how Stupid you are...



The only way you can get Fat Donald to run into a school is to tell him the cafeteria is about to serve the last of the chicken nuggets

If any of these shots were counted as assists, then the record books are totally being obscured for the sake of promoting these players. This truly diminishes the accomplishments of past players...

The confederate flag and those who embrace it are racist and bullies. So, she teaches her kids to love that flag. That is a symbol of hatred towards people that are different. Now her son his being bullied for being different and he’s hurting. Well I hurt every time I see the confederate flag, but she apparently

This is utterly disgusting behaviour. They should be immediately kicked off the team and expelled.. If those black kids would take a knee during a game, I’m sure we’d be reading about them being kicked off the team, IMMEDIATELY!!