
I don’t... hmm...

I see some errors in the cosplay. For instance, she’s holding the gun correctly.

Figmas don’t count in my book. Just like those Pop doll things don’t. I want Marvel Legends-style figures. Like their huge promo statue things, but actual figure size.

Considering the 4 giant ones they had all over the world for prelaunch, I agree 1000%.

Make. Overwatch. Action. Figures.

There is an AC-to-DC conversion (alternating current-to-direct current, if you’re not familiar) involved. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volt-ampere for more details.

There is an AC-to-DC conversion (alternating current-to-direct current, if you’re not familiar) involved. See https:/

So no “Neon Genesis Evangelion : 6odzilla” ?

Oh, he’s beating the crap out of Tannis. Took me a minute to figure out.

By myself.

there are video games you can play that are like that.

I hope the next one isnt out on 3DS seems Sun and Moon really pushed the 3DS to its limits

Nah, if it were tentacles, you wouldn’t even hear them groaning and squealing. They’d be too busy, uh, gagging, on ‘stuff’.

Sounds about right, it’s what I sound like during sex

Orc monsters?

If the internet has taught me anything, its that these voice samples are for when both Type 18 and 11 are being violated by horrific orc monsters.

Because of the audio quality, type 17 male sounds like crying to me.

Well, it is only one X away from being pornographic.

The craziest part of their conspiracy theory? That one person is responsible for all the animations in a AAA game.

Another point: after 10 hours of play I can honestly say this is a super overreaction. By and large the animations are serviceable with only a handful of extremely minor NPCs suffering from very poorly done animations.