
This is not okay.

This is so great.

I think you mean $72,000. One to collect, one to display, one to... uh...

and comes with a 10 to 15 minute CD message as well as letter from her.

For a tenth of the price you can get a fully functional model, but I’m sure you’re right.

I mean... maybe just have a hard look at your life choices...?

Now playing

Nothing can kill the Grimace! Not even Trump

I can’t hit monsters with memories, and Zelda is not nice to me in half of them.

It seems odd to have that at the end of a game that does such a good job of giving you a sense of reward for exploring, poking, and experimenting.

It’s almost as though it’s some kind of commentary on the pointlessness of collecting useless shit in video games...

You’re trying too hard

Wait seriously? Tell me this is just a photoshop, I can’t believe Nintendo would make a shitty toilet humor joke the reward for collecting so much.

I think this is more of a culture clash than anything. I don’t think this sort of humor is frowned upon in Japan the way it is here. I do have to wonder why there’s outrage around this guy, though, and not the fey home designer in Hatano.

thank you/fuck you

It really bothers me that the triforce isn’t even centered.

The 12 million subscribers that he had.

I’m really into the idea of it being a placed on a reconverging timeline after all the events of the other games.

See, I always just assumed that each Zelda game was effectively a reboot from a story perspective and that they all stood alone with no connections to any other Zelda (with a few exceptions like Majora’s Mask). To me trying to fit all of them into one Timeline is like trying to sort all of Hawkman’s backstories into

Sounds like they’re trying to Switch it up.