
Fuck. That lady, not prison.

No, you don’t. In non-BDSM sex, when someone needs to pee or it hurts they say “I need to pee” or “one sec” or “wait” or “ow” or their facial expression shows pain, and their partner responds to that. You don’t need safewords except during sex in which one or both partners plan to ignore signs of

James Deen would sometimes post on his blog about the kind of sex he and Stoya has, and it’s the rough, scratch-til-she-bleeds kind. There was once a photo of Stoya’s back scratched as if it went to a shredder, red and bloodied, and he explained how this is the norm between them. He once mentioned, and this is

Or maybe it’s a false accusation against an easy target and Deen is innocent?

You answered your own question. They probably had the kind of sex that requires a safe word.

I encounter them frequently. And they don’t like to hear from me because one of girls who was killed had a dad who was in the Jazz scene in Winnipeg. Canadian jazz is a pretty tight community and while I don’t play anymore, almost everyone I know from my jazz days was a friend of the family. They all knew the little

it’s called narcissistic personality disorder, and it’s widely under-diagnosed.

I... don’t think you know what curbstomping is. Merely being stepped upon while on the sidewalk doesn’t make the cut.

Sorry, still out of gold stars and cookies for NOT EVEN DOING THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM.

I don’t have to read the “greys” to know that they obviously have a bit more potency to their responses than you care to admit, which has led to you this pious response.

But the Republicans told me shutting down all the Planned Parenthoods, enacting TRAP laws, and denying women cheap/free birth control would save babies!?

This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.

This is what happens when you teach women that there is only one way to be a good mother. This is what happens when you teach women that perfection is the primary goal, that mistakes are the enemy, that outward perception is sacrosanct. This is what happens when you value a woman’s relationships over her mental health

I think I have seen about 10 talk therapists in my life. Maybe more. Not a single one brought up timelines and end dates. Not one. Am I just the unluckiest depressed person out there? Also: not a single medication helped either for more than four weeks. Fuck this profession.

The best thing I’ve learned from being a mom is that I need to put some space between me and the rest of the world and own my own choices.

Mothers can do literally nothing that pleases the world.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Jim Bob is asking Jesus for advice right now, and Jesus is all

I see the sexist, and the size-ist, but is it especially racist? As usual I will defer to those of you who are actually minorities, and therefore may be picking up on subtleties that I'm missing, but based on the argument here I'm not sure if I'm convinced.