““What!? You actually want us to think before we choose to shoot - to kill -people of color!?” - Cops
““What!? You actually want us to think before we choose to shoot - to kill -people of color!?” - Cops
Your daughter has the correct response. I refused to listen to the woman’s actual voice and just made do with Harriot’s summary, but even that had me cocking my head side-wise like a confused pooch.
If it comes to light that she was the one who emptied the clip into him. I am first in line to donate to her defense fund. #sorrynotsorry
Sometimes when you force a pregnant woman to put oven cleaner in her vagina as pushiment for not cheating, bad things happen to you.
Nah this is Wayne Brady level cold.
Dayum, Drake don’t play.
I think you dropped your fedorahood over there.
Sports Illustrated employed Peter King for years. The idea they’re hiring the best is long out the door.
Elsie is a good stand-in for the audience. She just wanders around confused and complaining about how fucking stupid everything is.
He probably converts soup cans into flesh lights.
The best thing a white parent can do to explain to their kids the injustice that people of color suffer is just to try and explain it to them.
Deputy Managing Editor Yesha Callahan is gonna be mad at this short-ass lede, but today there’s no need to pussyfoot…
Not butter. Country Crock..
With grammar like that should this bitch be teaching anyone’s children? For real I’ve had it with mediocre stupid white women coming for the best of us. Especially ones that look like they sweat butter and Ragu
Apparently I hooked a couple of them. They must not know that I use their delicious white tears in my martini mixes.
I mean really, dude was not bothering anyone. Techbro just decided to be an asshole, and go out of his way to be a supreme asshole.
White people are out here being all kinds of horrific this year (and all the other ones but we got more cell phone video in 2018). How can you see a homeless person and take time out of your day to make their life harder? Kudos to Matt Nelson and all the good people helping the homeless man. Henry Sintay, along with…
A Werd crush? Is that a thing? I think it should be a thing.