
It’s sad how tragedy can keep itself alive in the souls of survivors. I had to go the therapy and medication route. Scared deeply, like protective of my inner self. I didn’t want to be cut open and left to drive home. And that’s exactly what happened sometimes, each hard thing you remember. But that’s gonna happen

I’m white, but thanks for the sentiment. You don’t get to a point where you’re out of the well forever. Once you’ve been there you know what is possible and how bad it can get. The bad can and will come back, but with new tools for handling everything, learning how we got there in the first place, you get stronger and

Right, but admitting I went through it and the process turned out to not be shameful at all, I think others still need to hear. Because when you’re deep down, our thoughts and feelings lie to us. It’s important to know that making the call to get help instead of following through with a suicide plan can turn out okay.

Completely true. And thank you.

Btw for me it took checking myself into psych for a week, plus 2mos out-patient work. I’m not ashamed to say, because it saved my life and now I’m helping raise my nephew and have a good life. Anyone who is down in the well, yes intervening sucks a huge bag of dicks. The hospital is no joke. But it saves lives. And

I know that well. I’m so glad you found the sunlight, Michael. Look how much you’ve given the world since. It took me a few hard years and I’m still dealing with health effects I believe came from praying for death. Therapy saved my life too. I know that fear of the well, that keeps pain silent, but my fear of the

I’m a California native who has been in the weed biz a bit.

Or she’s being poisoned.

This sounds a lot the like male losers in any race who think they have some contract of ownership on women of their own race. It’s that tired movie trope where once the male protagonist wins the fight he always gets the girl. They grow up looking for their prize and find out she has freedom to choose and doesn’t want

Solid response. I cancelled typing one of mine. It works every time. And I’ll go there when pushed, but I’m a few decades out for you in some ways. I’ve been suicidal over it and discussed as an in-patient. I fight so many times a day still just to make sure I’m not ever acting like them and hurting anyone.

Right. Because what happens when you answer their questions: they don’t believe you, you likely get judged if your reasons don’t seem adequate to them, and when the truth is really horrible they realize they never wanted to know in the first place.

What you describe regarding peace officers is how cops are supposed to respond to tension and conflict. Cops murdering black people isn’t new. It being shown on video in mainstream media is what is new. But I wholeheartedly agree with you that it’s being trained into white people, by media and herd mentality.

I could definitely see my parents doing this. If you ever meet someone who has no contact with a parent, don’t try to “help” and push them back together. Just trust some bad shit went down and invite them to your holidays. It is a very hard thing to let bad people go, especially when they were supposed to be a mother

Every Friday Clapback educates and astounds me about my own unmelanated kind. I’m starting to see how sneaky people try to be when blaming you for racism you experience. The whole “can’t we just move on from this” mentality is... I have to admit I don’t know of a better word to describe it than insane.

Worse for which parents? You’re still trying to choose kids who are already getting the best schools over kids who have been robbed of a decent education. By choosing the kids already privileged, you’re choosing to keep everyone else out, and beneath. Keep doing that and blame the kids who were robbed for their

So I’m thinking of starting an etsy store where I sell spiritual armor. Any suggestions? I was thinking of an aerosol spray, but maybe a roll-on would be better. I’ll put crystals in the bottle.

Since I was quite rudely not invited to the White House Easter egg whatever I was unable to take the inevitable shit I’d have needed to take on the lawn after confronting Putin’s bj bitch, I must offer you only what I have. I am currently poor. Your selection includes three different kinds of hot pockets and a whole

And Hitler showed respect to Jesse Owens, yet still found time for genocide. Trump is just trying to honor a dead PoC and still oppress the living.

He doesn’t want to be there cuz it’s not about him.

Most white people who are learning to sing or trying to make a life of it train to songs by black singers. It pushes us to our limits. But we don’t do that in public because the original black singer is always better. Always. The audacity to copy and call yourself a creator is insane narcissism.