
“Get his shit pushed in” Thank you for giving me this phrase. I will use it savagely.

I said it before, clapback mailbag is some of the best writing on the net. Waiting for your Pulitzer, Michael Harriot. Your humor just has this way of slapping the shit out of useless arguments and making me laugh at what I’m supposed to call my own people. There needs to be some merch with your words on it. Thank

And I don’t smile at strangers anymore cuz one tried to rape me. You made a very education decision not to risk your life over a dead battery. You did the smart thing.

Wichita offering the cheapest way to call out a hit on your neighbors. I lived there for a miserable couple of years recently...not shocked at all. Also, wish I coulda known this was an option when those bumpkin mutherfuckers were treating me like shit for being disabled.

I’m so glad you wrote this, Michael. I left the church for a heavy handful of all spoke together as this church is not a force for good in the community, and doesn’t want to be. It doesn’t care about it’s malevolent power. And I remember being in absolute awe in church, the glorious love you feel. They

They only real apology I will accept from these types of predators is “I am a piece of shit, I’m sorry, and I’m going to work the bottom rung of Walmart for the rest of my life.”

Best Christmas story ever!

Those crown royal bags are a guy thing, every race. It’s like the Clinique gift with purchas bag for white girls. They will never throw them out. Rednecks use them for “important” coins and “brass” (I.e., spent bullet casings collected for reloading) You could offer any dude a felt bag and he’d get homophobic, but if

This alabaster reads The Root everyday and clapback is the best of the internet. I always get excited to read it. Thank you.

Yes. And sadder that many of us regular folks have lost our jobs or been blackballed in an industry because we wouldn’t sleep with some man in power.

This is ridiculous! Black stylists can do any kind of hair, white stylists usually can’t. You should be seen as MORE of an asset rather than this bs they’re dealing you.

You find a good paying job and a good woman and you help her move that belly to her ass. It’s all we really want. Heheh. Ok, it’s what I want. You do you, imma cry in the corner.


Nothing good ever comes after “sorry to burst your bubble” except the pure hilarity of anyone with the balls to think what they have to say is profound. If it were, they wouldn’t preface it with that cliche. They also tend to askew any respect of formal education, science, rational’s the new

Right? I’m surprised her shop doesnt carry hair products, like polyester clip-ons and curly perms.

Look at the big brain on Dwayne! Tell us little ladies more about how the world works.

Good point.

Has anyone published a modern Green Book? Articles this and several others you’ve written could start an interactive map of places where the best parts of our constitution are ignored if you’re PoC. You could save a lot of people from the system and bad job transfers. An injustice map on The Root. (Let it fuck up

Has anyone published a modern Green Book? Articles this and several others you’ve written could start an interactive map of places where the best parts of our constitution are ignored if you’re PoC. You could save a lot of people from the system and bad job transfers. An injustice map on The Root. (Let it fuck up

Yeah, white here, you got nothing to worry about. I was offered them at my friend’s house in 7th grade. Tried it. Nope. No fucking way. If white people start making that, it’ll somehow be worse. We find a way.