
My first was when I was seven. Now I’m in my 40s and I get them ~20days/month. Prescriptions never worked for me. I use pot, a lot of it. It just takes the edge off though. I also have a deadly allergy to opiates so was saved from potential addiction. You’re not alone. A switch turned in my brain about 6 years after

Can we just agree to stop ignoring cries for help from people we know who are saying something isn’t right at home or with this person? After all of the revelations lately, let’s start by asking the right questions and believing people who see something and say something. So many stories where truth tellers were

Their cause is to make content for black people. White people (we) can enjoy it or fuck off. Nothing racist about that.

You just made me remember that I’m forever grateful my black friends taught me to dance when’s I was young. Still not as good as them, but thank all that is holy I’m not Taylor-bad. And the blank space where an ass should be, we call that a “back with a crack.”

Or you end up tough and callused from dealing with it. I was an executive in tech before retiring due to disability. It was awful to have to act tough and frigid to discourage come-ons. It made women in lower positions afraid to talk to me.(Once I found that out I reached out to them and offered mentorship and

Wow. You are really sick. One in 5 people are disabled. It’s the only club you can join at any time and it’s always involuntary. It may not happen until you’re old. That could be you trapped like that young woman, throughout her childhood. The humanity you refuse to see in the world shows us your cold heart. Life

Edit: I replied to the wrong person. Sorry.

The onus isn’t on non-Muslims to learn about Islam.

Best bad movie to rewatch: Half Baked

What?! You don’t have to shave your legs or your pits? You musta been chosen by God to lead all women. Whatever you got I need a transfusion. Parts of me look like a very hairy man if I don’t do a full body napalm. Got good hair on my head tho, so I shouldn’t talk.

That’s not unfortunate, that’s a gift! You’ve been chosen. For what I don’t know. I’ll go with goddess. Only a goddess would have naturally smooth legs. I’m in jealous awe.

“Flat-Earther Kitt” I’m dead. You win the internet today, Michael!

Hair thinning with age is really common among white women and some other races. I had an Asian stylist who told me the same thing happens in her family. Like at some point they start seeing scalp so they cut their hair shorter to give it body. It also grows slower with age. Someone coloring their hair as much as

Exactly. It’s called confirmation bias, as I said. Read up on the scientific method and sociology before you go thinking one graphic backs up your claims.

I might be out of line for talking, I’m white and didn’t trust Bernie. But through my cultural filter, his quote is a bullshit dog whistle to get racist white people to support him. I was pretty appalled when I read it, but learned a lot more about his record on race from you and commenters replying here. So thank you

Well someone made a chart, so it must be true! /s You provided a visual with no actual context of the data parameters. You’re acting horribly abusive in a place who has made it clear you are not welcome. Yes, you have a right to speak, but you haven’t earned it. Gathering graphics and statistics to prove your point

This isn’t a prosecution, it’s a righteous persecution. The difference is the intent is not to prove time and place of crime, but to stop rewarding predators. This is when society gets to reject bad people who do very bad things. He’s not going to jail, but knowing what we know now some folks rightfully decided hey

(Disclaimer: I’m white) I think because so many of us were told to stay away from you by our racist parents when we were little. Mine (horribly abusive people) whispered their n-word jokes, were visibly afraid around black people, and teased me incessantly for watching “black shows” and did not allow me to listen to

But can we get a pic of your “honorary Aryan” award? Or is it honoraryaryan? That linked article is hilarious. And now I have honoraryaryan stuck in my head like a tragic showtune from one of those “misguided” attempts of white southern teachers dressing children as slaves to teach history. You all read it here three

Or an Amazon Key delivery person... I am truly afraid what scared white people will do to them when they forgot they drunk-ordered that pumpkin spice rosé and dude walks in to deliver.