
In Providence I think there might have been like three? There were a lot more hipster coffee shops. (Where I'd always find myself in; I have always been and always shall be a hipster I'm just an aging one now.) We moved out west to Northern Arizona where it seemed like all the coffee places close by 5, except for the

I know I need to drink more water, get better sleep, but I do moisturize right after getting out of the shower. I'm 41 and can pass for early thirties when I don't look tired or stress. My mother was the same way. Sh it 70 with very wrinkles, even going through chemo so had amazing skin and never lost her hair. Her

I mentioned Alec Baldwin for a few spotting hypocrisy, I also reminded them how freedom of speech works.

It was hell when I moved from Rhode Island where there is Dunkin every block, sometimes multiple DD on the same block just different corners. Seriously, downtown Providence. Pretty soon DD will start opening locales in your kitchen.


Is it me or is everyone getting bombarded by this?

I know right? Would it be offensive if I as an Buddhist-Atheist white cis able body but female wore them?

Obvious troll is obvious.

Wow, he wasn't this striking in Trainspotting.

Your father sounds kick ass.

How edgy of you to write such a piece about a romantic comedy! You must be so well int he world of cinema to actually take on movie like Love, Actually. You must enthrall us all by your deconstruction of Persona, or Wild Strawberries by Bergman. (Ingmar not Ingrid but I'm sure you know that.) After all you had the

So wait you need religion to be moral? Not empathy?

The Sicilian man and the Lebanese man doesn't surprise me, especially the Sicilian. There is a lot African blood in Sicily and Southern Italy for that matter. (Moors and the Romans.)

The fact that you mention psychics says a lot.

That's a dangerous assessment to make, my two best friends had ED's one got help and is happier and more well adjusted. The other keeps running to one New Age self help thing to another; unable to move on. She sometimes still has bouts with it. She never really got help for it. The people who seek therapy, and get it,

She doesn't seem mentally ill but more like a teenage girl with no self esteem that happens to be embarrassed by her mother, which is most girls.

I've known people with eating disorders who tried suicide, I'm sure that they'd be okay if they decided all they needed was some self-love. Most people who have any sort of eating disorder have deeper issues.

To be fair Houston does seem like another planet at times.

That would be awesome. I wanted to walk down the aisle to the Imperial March from Star Wars or the music from when Kirk and Spock had to fight to the death.

No, wedding colors have been a thing for a long while.