
Attitudes like this have caused much hurt, confusion and shame. It's a dismissive one that causes many to go into another closet. A person shouldn't have to come out twice, or have a closet with two doors to two sets of people who try to invalidate feelings or attractions.

Mid twenties are still considered young. My husband is entering his late 30's and is bi, I'm in my early 40's and am bi.

Thank you for the bit of advice; it's a University and I do have to be retested for my APD. (auditory processing disorder)

My husband uses it on his work computer but on our other one (a fancy ass Mac) we just have Office. He an Accessibility Guru so he sort of needs to be be duo platform.

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who knew this.

Thank you. They come off as asses. It's hard enough to close cabinet doors, throw paper towels away forget about focusing on what someone is saying. At 41 I am still having these problems and with going back to school it will magnify.

Thanks. I actually need Adderall, not in a crutch way but in a real ADD/APD way. You guys are asses.


coke and potato chips can be considered a vegan meal. I hate PETA, with a passion.

That doesn't work when you have a low thyroid.

fat phobia.

The last few years my newsfeed was lit up with Native American stories; it gets annoying because it's like the only day people tend to remember the atrocities that were perpetrated and the current racial injustice they experience. The rest of the year forget about them. It's all individual though. I do know some

Let's not forget what happened at the train station in Providence, either. Today, most ignorance in this country is blatantly willful considering our technology it's just that people don't want to know because they think they know. They would rather hear from a friend who's Aunt's friend experienced it or some

I really like this photograph and both models are gorgeous.

I'm sort of getting bugged but these things. Should I get upset about drag queens wearing dresses and gowns? Of course not. That would be idiotic. It's a gorgeous dress. While I'm no fan of here's. I'd rather people not get bugged out by this sort of stuff, it's almost making it transgressive. Oh my god some dressed

It maybe me, but he lost all credibility, (what little he had gained with Firefly) with the Dollhouse. I love Buffy and Angel but I don't think either of those shows were really feminist in any form. Almost any female led TV show in the 70's was more feminist then the what he has written. For Christ sake Charlie's

I haven't seen the break down yet but it would make sense to me that Virginia, especially NOVA and Central VA went blue especially after the tea party inspired shut down. Most of the money that comes into VA is tied in with Fed workers/ DC somehow. Nor does it surprise me that a lot of white women of VA voted

Not this white woman. I have never voted republican in my life and I don't really plan to start.

I grew up in much the same. My dad was a roofer and my a factory worker when not a stay at home mom, the was only one time I can remember that I really got a beating and that was from playing with matches with the neighbor kid. Other then that it was always a guilt trip from my mother but she was an alcoholic who

I would think that it's not the yelling but what you are yelling that matters. It's one thing to yell at your kid to knock it off then lets say call them stupid, slow or some other name. Obviously none of these kids grew up in Italian homes where yelling is not only a normal occurance but one that might not specify