Phylis Teen

Calling it a generalization means you haven’t been paying attention the past 50 years.

Entitlement is the chaser for that drug. So, he’s the “low income struggle” version of the affluenza excuse for white male entitlement? Hm, why don’t any of these excuses ever work for inner city African American kids with single mothers? It’s bootstraps and keep your nose clean in those cases, and definitely don’t

Yeah, white boys’ backs must hurt from moving the goalposts all the damn time. So do they not know how to act due to “affluenza” or they don’t know how to act due to the “unfairness” of being low income? Oh, and he’s a “kid” who’s still learning and growing, but a 19 year old girl is definitely viewed as a woman and

I hope he does and then emancipates himself at 15. There are articles about biracial children ceasing contact with their white parent after the 2016 election because they voted for Rump, but also had racist problematic behavior before that. White people: just because you have a brown child does not mean you have a

Ugh, they should go to therapy like many women do instead of spending all that money on rearranging their jaws. I don’t have one girlfriend in my group who hasn’t had a therapist and in spite of childhood trauma and societal pressure of being non white, non traditionally attractive women, they are thriving,

Yeah, that’s a whole other pop culture/psychology thing surrounding tropes in white media. After Judd Apatow became a thing and continually wrote screenplays where someone like Catherine Heigl inexplicably falls in love with happless, stupid, overweight idiots like Seth Rogan, tons of think pieces came out about that

I immediately thought of how on “Martin” dark-skinned, not that attractive Martin Lawrence is married to light skinned Gina but viciously attacks beautiful dark-skinned Pam regularly, comparing her to animals and hideous creatures. Used to bother me a lot as a kid.

Also, where are all these guys who got these women pregnant and why didn’t they wear condoms? Why aren’t those guys proposing marriage to/impregnating Michelle Obamas instead of Cardi Bs? Ciara’s ex Future has almost double digit kids with multiple women he did not marry. Cardi Bs child with Offset is his 5th child

👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.THIS. People need to wake the fuck up and realize what this country has always actually been. We’re about 50-100 years from how far left people want it to be. Things happen very slowly in increments and it takes a realistic, measured approach. My mom almost got beaten by a white police officer at 5 years

Yeah, I heard that Rosa Parks jaywalked and squeezed the toothpaste tube from the middle. And MLK was an adulterer. We definitely needed better options for civil rights leaders. 

Politics isn’t a tv show. It’s not meant to be inspiring. It’s drudgery, paperwork, briefings, and implementing policy. Your feelings and excitement don’t matter when we need actual adults in the white house undoing the very real mess the past few republican presidents made of this country. Being charismatic or

Bad Brains. Ha, oops so many other comments beat me to it. 

All that shit you just listed is extras for financially comfortable people. I dare you to ask any paralyzed minority if they’re mad they’ll miss out on their vacation to the Grand Canyon.

Peaches is amazing. Cool subversive artist. Saw her live in Chicago. 

It’s only ok and considered normal when white people do it. Story of my life at every job I’ve ever had. Someone’s dad “Putting in a good word for you,” going to camp with the right families kids and then staying in touch with those people once you’re grown up, donating to certain people’s causes= front of the line

Yeah, I remember when Christina Aguilera’s “Dirrrty” came out in 2002 and it was so scandalous. Got the same reaction as this. Funny, I don’t remember the same concern or outrage surrounding talking about pussies at “Bands a make her dance” “Rake It Up” or the dozens of other male artists songs about pussy that are

I used to be middle management at H&M years ago and upper management/corporate office is overwhelmingly white and out of touch with anything having to do with diversity. There was always tension and a kind of condescending/patronizing attitude toward any black employees, especially black managers because they didn’t

My best friend moved to New Zealand in 2018 with her husband who’s originally from there. It was a huge lifestyle adjustment for her at first (she’s born and raised in New York City and never lived anywhere else) but she loves it now and she’s been bugging me to move there as things continue to get worse in the US. I

I’m actually glad that this snafu is still being discussed so many years later because too many people still want to bury their heads in the sand about colorism and erasure of black Americans. As hard as it is for black actors to be considered to even audition, studios/directors seem to love hiring British black

YES. It’s such a pervasive ideology in this country. At any of the terrible jobs I’ve had the most used phrase to dismiss abusive management, outdated counterproductive policies that hurt the business, and an overall awful environment was “It is what it is.” And if you tried to improve things or make measurable change