Phylis Teen

Bravo. That’s a very eloquent way of saying he was a cliche Uncle Tom, tap dancing, minstrel show approving “one of the good ones” that kicked the trap door at the top of the ladder closed behind him once he got up there and made sure to kick all the other smart, talented black people in the face on the way up that

Exactly. I’m an older millennial who graduated college right into the 2008 crash. Everyone I knew who graduated ahead of me and had just started in their careers lost their jobs. Most who had the option had to move back in with their parents. We were all panicking looking for ANY jobs but there was nothing because

My mom tells stories about growing up in her segregated neighborhood (middle class educated blacks, all the black professionals who owned homes) and how often lower class whites would ride through in their rusty pickup trucks and throw trash and glass bottles while screaming the N word at her as a little girl playing

Also all of these mall shooters are straight white men, the same types that probably beat these appropriately submissive white women.

She’s the type of white teacher who trots out “positive” Martin Luther King quotes that aren’t threatening to the white revisionist history viewpoint of Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement. His letter from jail in Birmingham after being arrested for protesting sums up people like her:

Ha yeah. Page out of the willfully ignorant, narcissistic, entitled arrogance playbook. I made the mistake of dating a buttoned up, accomplished white dude who presented himself as progressive etc. but ended up being the total opposite once the mask came off. He was every cliche of a controlling, backwards, socially

And meanwhile, people don’t think that the piece of shit Karen who called the police falsely on the black bird watcher in Central Park should be charged with a crime because she lost her job and “has suffered enough.” No she hasn’t. She’s never suffered, which is why she is a spoiled, entitled narcissist who broke a

They don’t believe black people have money (we’re all on welfare or thieves remember?) and if we do have money they don’t want it, it’s lesser money to them. Shit, if Beyoncé can be refused a vacation property rental, Bob Marley’s daughter can have the cops called on her for moving out of an Airbnb, and Oprah can be

Then I guess they’ll have to review the grounds video to see if anyone else was swimming during desk lady’s shift. If you read the entire account though, you’d already know that other people were swimming and weren’t bothered or questioned. Your back must hurt from reaching so much. 

Then why were none of the white people in any of these cases, in the lobby and at the pool asked if they “belonged” there? Viewing only non whites as suspicious and “not belonging there” in several of these instances is blatant targeted discrimination and disbelief that they are paying guests. I get that this is a

THIS really pisses me off. I live in New York but have many close friends who live in LA and covid is raging out of control there. I know several people who have lost family members. It’s scary and very real. These empty, foolish “celebrities” are problematic.

Three of my friends are originally from Florida. We live in NYC and one of them thought it would be a fun trip to go down and stay at his mom’s condo. Hour 1 of being there: two of us go to pick up pool supplies. They come back shaken up and the rental car is covered in sticky liquid. Apparently a backwards hat roid

Large corporations are only about profits and will side with abusive, crazy customers because they want their money, they don’t value their expendable employees. I work for a company owned by L’Oréal and we were told that during curbside pickup phase it would be no contact credit card only transactions to minimize

I haven’t had facebook in 5 years and it’s been heavenly. 

As always white people miss the point that acting like a spoiled brat during a difficult time perfectly demonstrates your problems with self reflection and that there’s no “ally” gold star. Hounding an indie black store in an entitled manner after a black person is murdered is literally showing that you’re the

I used to work in fashion in New York (emphasis on used to). I was really into Man Repeller when it first launched because of the seemingly quirky aesthetic, although the individual clothing items were aspirational. But I had heard through the grapevine for a while about the hostile company atmosphere toward anyone

Your take is the problem 

Yeah, I got into a bourbon fueled comment argument on this very site months ago about the tired “mental illness” excuse whenever a white person acts like an arrogant, entitled, racist. I was like, the majority of white women in New York must be mentally ill then, because I’ve been here over a decade and encounter this

She was letting white people in without asking for proof of residence or a pass. That’s profiling. 

I was a manager at Urban Outfitters years ago. Urban, Anthropology and Free People are the same entity, so managers were all in the loop across those companies. One year there was a rash of serious internal theft at Anthropology, like 100’s of dollars missing from the safe and deposit bags, and cash drawers closing