Phylis Teen

Yeah. It’s the same as the knee-jerk pushback against “feminism” and “Me Too.” Feminism: Women strive for equality and opportunities they’ve historically been denied by the domination of men= “women are trying to overthrow and dominate men! The slogan has Fem at the front!” Me Too: Women share their daily experiences


She’s awful and willfully posed for rowing photos when she knew what was up on order to cheat her way into college. Then she hid on a luxury yacht to avoid the fallout and whined and cried like a typical spoiled white brat when her makeup line got dropped from Sephora. She needs to just be quiet and go away.

Yeah this whole article is childish and irresponsible. It hasn’t been that long, people. Our great grandparents, grandparents, and parents lived through times when all they could do was write letters to their loved ones over huge distances, sometimes across oceans. I’m already getting friends peer pressuring me to

When you’re privileged equality feels like oppression.”

Speaking of the Bible, these fools would have flunked Passover. 

Lol, didn’t know “traitor” meant moving somewhere with superior opportunities and a functioning government. Guess the Irish who fled the potato famine and the English who fled the oppressive British government, oh and all the Italians here, should take their traitorous selves back to where they belong.

Then move to where white flight was implemented by your segregation touting forefathers. Why would you live somewhere where guns are in your face?

I had to leave Huffington Post and come here to read about this because of the disappointing amount of negative comments on there about her. As a 38 year old black woman it’s still so unfortunate the amount of unwarranted hatred and vitriol we get no matter what we achieve, how humane and kind we are, or who we help.

Can we stop with the crappy “joking” assertion that if a somewhat attractive woman has a job above minimum wage she banged her way there? I’m super liberal and hate this administration but as a non-ugly/smart woman I’ve been accused of this myself too many times in my life when I busted my ass and earned what I have.

I am a black woman born and raised in a small town in Michigan. I moved to New York as soon as possible. 

I was 11 in 1991. I remember being annoyed about hot dog buns coming in 12 packs. And being annoyed with this movie. 

We didn’t want to be American when we were stolen because white people didn’t want to breast feed their own kids or build their own shit, and I definitely don’t want to be American now after the past few decades of willful ignorance and right wing nuts taking over. Got friends who moved to New Zealand, Germany, Japan,

Go to Fox News, the white drinking fountain 

I had a 40 year old blond woman yell in my face at my job last month to “go back to the ghetto where I came from and where I belong” because she was displeased they I was the manager telling her NO. I’m college educated and have never stepped foot in a ghetto. My 68 year old mother had the cops called on her by a

Then read another blog. It’s not that hard. I don’t go on Brietbart and complain. Everything isn’t for you. 

There is no dissonance. People like this desperately need control. The same control over women’s sexual activity and forcing them to be dependent on crappy men is the control they lack now by being told society can’t function normally for the time being. They feel wildly out of control because you can’t control a

Exactly. This is why a joke of a reality tv host is president. Running a country isn’t entertainment nor should it be entertaining. The government is comprised of complex systems and concepts that require steadiness, focus, high intelligence, and extreme attention to detail and policies. Does any of that sound

Masterful, eloquent shade.