
This works in reverse, too. I used to have a condo (in Phoenix) with terrible insulation. As long as I wasn't doing much, I could keep it around 85 without it being too miserable.

This is pretty much my philosphy. I've rented in huge apartments and called maintenance for just about everything possible. Right now I have a fantastic landlord who lives out of state. I make a judgement call by his home warranty: If I know what I'm doing and its less than the warranty copay, I just do it and tell

Galaxy Nexus just sucks battery, at least on 4G. I am just in the habit of keeping a charger at my desk, at my bed, and in the car. The thing is really never off a charger unless I'm out and about.

Haha I moved here because I was working downtown, and then promptly got a job in what's practically Carefree. Afraid if I move, it will happen all over again in reverse.

I so concur. I live in the middle of the city (Ahwatukee for those who know Phoenix), but happen to work 40 miles north. I can just imagine what I would look/smell like after that ride.

I stream with Google Music through the computer all day at work, and often on my phone for my hour long commute and walking the dog. I just accepted that play counts restarted when I began using it a couple of years ago.

Just saw your reply, but that is a good point - there are still plenty of places in the world where there is a "Home phone" like I grew up with. I was being a little location-centric, I guess.

I don't know if that's true. "Home" implies a landline somewhere. I'm in my late-30s (just in case its an age thing) and I honestly only know two people with a landline, both of whom live in the boonies.

I've used all the tricks occasionally, but none of them get me a nice starched crease. Guess its still the iron for me.