
Wow I’d forgotten Pandora exists, but where’s YouTube music which has been my goto for forever.

Welcome to management life :) I moved into management a year or two before you, but am still figuring it out myself. Love the way you set them up though. Giving the employees an opportunity to decide. I hired all of my team myself, meaning most weren’t at the company before, so didn’t get the luxury of giving choice,

If I’m not mistaken, this is from the guy who was kicked out of Firefox for spending a ton of money to prevent gay equal rights. No thanks.

I always feel like autocorrect complaints are made by ios users who don’t know there are better things available. I’ve never used ios, but I know swiftkey works there now - after years of using it, I’ve got that thing down to anticipating my every thought.

Far, far from one percent, but as someone who has trouble maintaining consistent weight, and does contract work, I find myself at a tailor for my suits every couple of years. And occasionally I’ll find a nice pair of pants on sale that are just the wrong length (or unhemmed) and they can do those for a couple of bucks

I've used this Presto PowerPop thing for years. Although its funny - it doesn't seem to work in every microwave. But no oil needed, and you can still use the good kernels instead of the nasty microwave popcorn bags (sorry for the ridiculously long link).

Interesting timing. Here in Phoenix I've been able to have my windows open for the last couple of weeks. I figure I have about 3 more weeks before I have to completely switch to A/C for the next 8 months.

I admit the commercials are extremely annoying, but how do you get to five? Maybe its what I watch. I get mad if that time remaining counter goes over 60 seconds.

I was just thinking how this statement would be 100% true if the hemispheres were reversed.

Definitely blame Amazon. There is no reason they have an iOS app, a Kindle Fire app, but not a regular Android app. They just don't want to. I really have a hard time believing that people will buy a Kindle Fire over a similarly-priced Android device JUST because it has Amazon Video.

It isn't necessary to have a Kindle device. I often buy the audiobook version of a book I'm reading because I have a very long commute. I listen to the book on my phone (through the car speakers) and then read the book on my tablet when I'm home. Both Android in my case, but I believe it works just as well on iOS

I see "early years... get a housekeeper for the first time" and think, this entire article has absolutely no basis in reality except for a very select portion of the population, of which I am not one.

Sounds to me like you are doing it right. If there is a space in front of me for whatever reason and someone merges in, I never consider that aggressive. Its when you try to force a space that it becomes aggressive.

In Phoenix, most of the on-ramp lanes immediately become off-ramp lanes. I see more and more people waiting until the absolute last possible second to actually try to merge onto the freeway, thus forcing everyone behind them, in both lanes, to slam on their brakes.

lol I like that - vlookup was always my go-to. For some reason it confuses a lot of people.

Commenting on Youtube videos is taking part in a social network. The name of the network and its scoped changed, not the fact that it was still a social network.

Just wondering, if a stranger asks a straight person, does the same thing apply? Seems like straight people in relationships are generally very happy to talk about their spouses.

Coming out and being gay has no more to do about sex than being straight is. Sex is what you do, gay is about who you are (at least in one aspect). If someone tells me they are straight, that tells me nothing about their sex life, and if someone tells me they are gay, that tells me nothing about their sex life.

Before you go sounding off and calling someone a dumbass, you should remember that typical (Western) European highway speeds are considerably higher than they are in the US. Back in the 90s when I was stationed there I had a little Chevy with one of those old speedometers that only went to 85MPH. Just keeping up with

Interesting, I just happened to see this today after a cold snap in Phoenix. My current patio home, which is great in the summer, is not designed for winter at all. Zero sun on any wall with windows, while one while, which is pretty much nothing but an enormous (single pane) patio door, is entirely in the shade. Woke