
the region known as the Cotswold

As someone above notes, For All Mankind is covering a similar plot, although it’s set in an alternate-history where the USSR reached the moon first.

Here’s a question for you all: Who do you think is the quickest Top Gear host? Tiff Needel or Chris Harris?

Unless they’ve replaced the engine and chassis, it’s still the original car. Just one that’s had the mother of all services.

Maybe it’s a bit different in the US, but over here in the UK, most of the various anti-fascist groups are pretty similar to their forebears who volunteered to go fight the fascists in Spain in the 1930's. That is, mostly left-leaning, disliked by the government, and demonised in the press as “violent anarchists”

Torch should send them a picture of him stood next to the car, grinning manically, with a pair of tin-snips in hand, with nothing but the comment “I’m improving your car, you guys don’t mind right?”.

If Porsche is doing it (a company very much not-known for their prowess in electronics)

Yep, just let down by not being able to spell ‘wagon’ in German (I still had to check that it’s spelt with an ‘o’ in English, almost went with ‘wagan’). Normally I let spell check do the heavy lifting for me, but that’s just a one word preview of what my posts look like before I proof-read them.

you need to at least have the super serum to be taken seriously among that crew of the Avenger

Is there such a thing as fate and transport analysis in archaeology?


A friend of mine was sat in slow moving traffic, and was letting his Tesla’s ‘Autopilot’ take care of the stop start traffic. (He fully admits he should have been paying attention and that the following was basically his fault).

I’d treat it the same as those space-saver tires you get in cars. It’s fine to get you home, and maybe to the tire shop the next day, as long as you take it easy and slow.

Peugeot is a bloody difficult name to spell for a mono-lingual dyslexic though. It’s take me about fifteen years of owning a 206 to learn it, (and I’ve just defected back to VW).

The perception in the UK is that you only do your automatic test if you are so bad at driving, that you can’t cope with operating a gearbox at the same time. Anecdotally that’s true of the few people I know with an auto-only license.

Nothing builds character like stalling your car 3-4 times on a hill with people honking at you from behind.

Yes, but Colin is always careful to wear his safety tie.

Any landing you walk away from is good.

I think you missed the part where this guy is a hobbyist, building in his home garage, and that his entire design brief is; “this seems like a fun idea”.

There’s a good chance Jay Leno will get one of these, and while he probably won’t take it on the track, he’ll almost certainly drive it on the roads.