Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.
Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.
It’s even harder to believe that people still want to vote for him (cough cough dad cough cough).
It may seem like we are making fun of Trump for eating pizza with a knife and fork but it’s really because he is a garbage human.
Wisdom is a product of age and experience. When you get older, you tend to be better at judging something on its…
Yeah, but are they going to stop torturing people?
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
I’m a dinosaur truther. The truth is that dinosaurs are fucking awesome.
Whoa, hey. I don’t want to be that prepared. I’ll need something to angry about after I buy it.
I’m just finishing up the second coat now...
This is why you have to focus you HIDs or you will be that guy.
Except that new lights are so bright it doesn’t matter if your high beams are on or not. Damn HIDs, get off my streets!
I’ve got one.
He is on Grinder...
The only bad part about this car is the Jersey license plate. Great job.
This is exactly everything I wanted out of Jalopnik youtube.
Deep down we all know a project car is a dangerous proposition. But the “ran when parked” siren song can be hard to…
That's why I like Wheeler Dealers. Mike buys the cars and Edd fixes them. No drama, no deadlines, just show you how it's fixed. You can learn a lot form this series. It's the only one I look forward to watching every time and still around nearly after 10 years.
omg her tragic spelling of spaghettios
I’m not a fan of his videos, but I’ve never understood the outright malicious contempt people have for him. The guy found huge success doing something he, and all of us, love. Enough people are willing to watch him do his thing to afford him a more than comfortable lifestyle. How can you do anything but respect that?