
Am I missing something.. or can you just hit the register button without using the email sign up form and still get it?

Where is the pig? I love pigs but cant find it.

I like this logic...

@verspasian: how do you know its not a front facing camera?

Wow, these design firms are just ridiculous like 99% of the time.

@thomasl2003: No, he didn't say "unless" he said "even if". Which is completely different and my comment still stands.

Don't pigeons have built in location sense? If you put them outside the city wont they just fly back?

@muzicman82: yeah, I have windows and never have installed anything of that nature either. Maybe.. just maybe I would consider it if they weren't so bloated. I do regular check ups to make sure I do not have a virus, but have decided to go without virus protection.

@phunnyballs: And he said not to trust Zappos? Seriously? They are owned by one of the biggest Corporations in America; Amazon.

This author doesn't know what he is talking about. "Paid" sites mean nothing. Anyone can charge for use. It doesn't make them any more legitimate than free sites. In fact many "paid" sites use the faux sense of security paying for something gives them to do identity theft and what not.

@failtroll_is_fail: which is why to do color, you have to have 3 of them stacked on top of each other.

@AnthonyG123: Out of the thousands of things that I have downloaded, torrents or not, I have never ever had anything "corrupt"

@adamcoe: Also, why was Larry David even mentioned?

I think you made poor conclusions based on the data.

@phunnyballs: Also when I post here, my comment is in red, but I can approve myself. :/

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Its not that it has to be frequently updated, its just that I don't WANT to update it. It should get that. It just decides to remind me everyday, even though I have absolutely no desire to update it. It is a bloated POS. over 30mb? Why is it so big?

@valladolid: lol, but I have star status on LifeHacker. It must have been in a weird limbo.

@phunnyballs: why does my comment need to be approved?