
Wow, I'll just say this, on Windows when I installed iTunes (I selected the iTunes only package w/o quicktime) and some stupid apple update made it install quicktime by mistake, I will forever hate apple.

@Subliminal Bukkake: no, they just make less money. they get like $.01 cents for showing the ad and $.05 if someone clicks it.

@vel0city: yeah I remember I walked through a doorway once when I was feeling "pretty good" and was wondering wtf was going on as the room was blinking. turns out it was a CFL and going into an incandescent lighted room, everything was good again.

@hopskipper: Do you have another cable/internet provider where you live?

Blockbuster sucks. My friend rented a movie from there (standard DVD) and I asked him how much it costs and he said "about $6" (including taxes and stuff) wtf. I then showed him where he could have gotten the same exact movie for $1.

OK, I'll be honest I personally know about 7 people total in my extended network with Android and know 0 people with Symbian. I also never ever saw a Symbian device in public. All my time on the bus, train, and subway looking at peoples gadgets I have never seen a Symbian device. This leads me to believe that almost

At least the Russians got one thing right.

@RabidMonkey: oh, I didn't even see your comment, but I can't believe he took the time to type that up. Even though it was a joke, it seems like a big waste of time.

@iElvis: Fair housing act only applies to the person selling or the land lord. This man is neither.

@AnthonyG123: most laptops have either HDMI out or VGA out. and a dongle is a hassle for something that should have been there in the first place.

@Nick P: because the snow fortress was on a different level of of time .

@phunnyballs: Also, that too sounds a little racist.

Wow, I am pretty sure "Trendinig" (found in illustration) is an endangered word since I never heard of it before. :P

@swizzle23: Ha Ha, when I switched to chrome, and they auto resize the tabs so I never have to scroll to see them, I regularly have over 20 open. The first thing people ask when they see my browser is "Why do you have so many tabs open?"

@schwing: I was just going to ask if Firefox ever separated their tabs into separate processes like other browsers. Having 100 tabs open, one is going to crash, and if it is like previous firefoxes, then all the rest of the tabs will come crashing down.

1.) Firefox should really just erase all their code and start from scratch. It is so bloated that I will probably never come back.

The Panasonic 32" Says it is $450 on Amazon, not $400 like the ad.

@Tim Gee: Well what about cloud computing? If I browse the web on an operating system that is hosted by a remote company (which processes all the information on their servers) am I violating copyrights?

@Tim Gee: I'm not arguing for reproduction, I'm arguing for displaying legally obtained content in certain ways (w/o reproducing it) should be legal.