
@derilium: I guess that should read: "As long as you downloaded the original work and then selectively processed it, having legally obtained the material, it should be ok".

@Tim Gee: I'm arguing that selectively processing source material legally obtained in the first place does not violate copyright an any sense as long as the source material is properly attributed to the author, copyright mark or not.

@derilium: No I never said that. I said that as long as you downloaded the original work and then selectively processed it have legally obtained the material, it should be OK.

I don't see the problem of scraping the content as long as you keep the copyright mark.

omg, I would totally replace those lame iPad docking stations with SNES's and have flip down TV's if I got this.

The read out should be on the left so you can see it without picking up your right hand for the 90% of us that are right handed.

@Alec: her thigh is there, it is just spread out off the right edge.

@tyler.derden: That is because Edison had the final say and input into everything that went into "his" inventions.

mmmmmmmmm....... vaporizables.

@phunnyballs: In fact looking at the biographies of all these old people, a very high number (well above 50%) smoked in their later years, if not all their life.

The funny part is that the woman they talk about smoked every day until she was 110 years old. Not that modern science would ever admit that smoking can't be blamed for everything.

@ChaosCon: Being 20 I believed the same thing 4 years ago. However, I think that we will just catch the edge of the new age of eternal life when we are in our 70s and 80s. Before I was determined that I could do whatever I wanted with my body because I would simply be placed in a new one our something of that nature.

6 just killed what ever admiration I had. This building is cluttered as hell on the inside.

Ah, I remember when I first signed up for skype because they had a free year of unlimited calling within the US. Good prank call days.

They should just stick a nuclear bomb down there like the Russians said to do.

@petethepanda: Well for one cross game chat is a huge plus for me. I can talk to my friend who is playing mass effect while I am playing red dead seamlessly.

move thumb from stick to melee? Dont you have to push down the stick to melee?