
I starred you because I can understand...and am feeling right now, your fury in a similar way but we have some pretty fuckin’ severe structural problems facing us. Like...We gotta retool the Constitution sort of structural problems.

I know that you’re angry, as am I, but you could written this with much more inspiring tone.  This doesn’t help anyone.  At all.

I fully expect, if you looked into this guy’s background, he played Warhammer 40K.

The ABA essentially understands that if this guy is put on the highest court of the land, I’d say a good 55 to 60 percent of the population is going to hold it suspect if not outright illegitimate. That has to be a concern to them and rightfully so.   It indicts the entire concept of having judges in a legal system be

Took the better part of 70 years after the luckiest break in human history to build up the soft power we had just to have it pissed away inside of 18 months.

Problem is, the overall trend in America, like the rest of the industrialized world, is a shift towards urban living the very in close to medium-close orbit of large centers of commerce. This isn’t necessarily a problem...unless you’re setup like us where you have a lower house that

I bet you any amount of money she was drunk.  I have high ranking family in IAB in the NYPD, they are always drunk...always.  It’s like 90 percent of their calls is either cops misbehaving while drunk or cops brandishing their service weapons inappropriately and then trying to ply the person they fucked up around to

This is true. The problem is there are an inordinate amount of Chuds in the ranks of the trades that think just like Trump.

I say this every damn day.

We do not, however, have a good track record of coming out without grievous damage from fighting in jungle/rain forest locales.  See: Vietnam and the horrors of the Pacific Theater in WWII.

I think that top one is actually the result of an air strike that whatshisface, the general that was fucking around with that reporter that CUNY was going to give a guest lecturer spot, ordered in to seem tough to impress her.

very interesting. One thing though: How does it not have maintenance costs? Screws have to occasionally be buffed out, so to speak, because of bio filming and other issues over time. I would assume the wing would need some cleaning too...Probably trivial compared to the efficiency savings, but it is necessary..

No one gives a shit and you Irish people did the exact same thing to black folk in this country once the Anglo’s finally needed you.

That aspect of Rick Scott in comparison to Bill Nelson is what troubles me about that race. Bill Nelson is exactly that sort of unexciting guy. Even though I’m not particularly fond of Nelson, I hope he pulls it out.

She also terrifies that scrotum Joe Lieberman.  Good.

I think you’re both on the same side, his post just wasn’t telegraphed well.

Operation Paperclip.  The golf course at West Point was designed by former members of the third reich! Oh and our space program, too!

You know what’s incredible?

I want to do just that.  The thing is, I’m afraid even if they legalize it, it’s going to cost a got damned mortgage to get in on the action.

29% Blue Dream for under $50 an ounce