
“At the end of the day we are in the removal business and it’s our job to locate and arrest them,” Graham wrote in part.

Stangled small dead animals buried in the back yard.  Think along those lines.

You get it and bonus points for putting it in RPG terms.

1. Let’s be honest here: She invested a whole lot of effort in herself and he did not. That’s the end of it. I have this feeling if he had taken the same tack and worked on himself the way she did herself this letter would have never been written.

Under what circumstances would you ever hand your security entry code to Azealia Banks?

Unfortunately...due to the locale...whoever ends up coming out of this morass the winner, is going to be governor of the state.

We got a decent amount of them across the river in Westchester, too.

New York has fully shaken that perception unless you’re over 45 and white and have your head up your ass.

Arab armies, due to some cultural quirks, are generally absolutely terrible.  Saudi Arabia is literally the worst of them all.  Just terrible discipline, information sharing, name it. 

Which is why I find the former group detestable.

Yes.  Yes they would.  There would probably be like 5 other garbage investigations that we can’t even really conceive of at the moment.

That is not what he’s doing. If you have exposure to (overwhelmingly white) skilled tradesmen, you know that they fucking love Donald Trump.  They look at the world through the same got damned lens he does.

Trumka knows the truth about his fucking constituency: That a huge section of them are fucking terrible.

Most mouth breathing Americans glass over when people start talking about financial policy for companies.  The cat is out of the bag: Nobody is actually paying attention.

I call them Potemkinites, short for Potemkin Suburbanites. Cash poor, overleveraged and their house (or the land it sits on) is the only significant asset they own.

This is a 50 year effort on their part to get the Constitution amended or, at the very least, have some sort of iron clad balanced law put into writing and passed and the ultimate destruction of any and all progressive gains in the same time period.

Every fucking last one of us.

Nah, this guy was seriously on his second career. That’s what’s even worse about this in a way. This wasn’t even his primary income and had already built up assets and a retirement from other jobs (one of which was in the Federal Government). Funny how that fucking works, eh?

Liberals are not an apocalyptic death cult that’s specifically looking to enforce a dominionist theocracy to usher in the end times.

White Christian evangelicals have become a clear and present danger not only to the long term sanctity of this country, but also, due to our position in the world, the long term viability of the species.