phucking oldman

He really was, thank you so much. I’m not sure how old your son is, but I can share a couple of things that really helped people to see beyond his disability. Kids were initially scared of Chris, I don’t know if it was the wheelchair, the disability or kids just being kids. It was probably a mix of the three. When he

I don't know, are your parents idiots?

Yes. Nobody is offended by idiot except the person being called one. Quite different terminology than "retard".

THANK YOU!!! My wife and I fought tirelessly to get our son integrated with non-disabled kids in two different states. We never asked for inclusion in classes that would cause the teacher to slow it down to his level, but classes like art and music seemed to be a no-brainer. FWIW - we were successful in both states,

You are absolutely right and that’s why I keep words like nigger, kike, guinea, spick, wetback, mick, slant-eye, faggot and dyke in my vocabulary. Nobody gets veto power over what words I use. /sarcasm

I love you and I hate you. I love you for the words you wrote and hate you for making me cry. You made me cry because when I read your word I was thinking abut my son Christopher, who passed away eight years ago this Friday. Christopher had CP and was a quad who had to use a wheelchair, he only had the use of his left

All would have been cool if he’d been riding this, who doesn't love Hello Kitty?

She's still alive????

So pay them minimum wage, what's the big deal NFL/NBA?

She is and it isn't.