Clearly he should just give up now and get a job bagging groceries.
Clearly he should just give up now and get a job bagging groceries.
So, Everquest II has the Illusionist character class, whose spell Personae Reflection creates a permanent combat pet identical to your character. My wife and I created illusionists from the androgynous Erudite race, with identical appearances and long gibberish names only one vowel off. Running around with our…
I’m guessing the coolness factor of a weed burner is off the charts?
And I carried that one into Air Force basic training, probably the only thing that kept me going.
Or we should have started with their home country of Saudi Arabia.
Price caveat aside, I bought myself a bunch of used Steelcase chairs for $60 each a decade ago, and they've been amazing.
Price caveat aside, I bought myself a bunch of used Steelcase chairs for $60 each a decade ago, and they've been…
Now that’s done, can ArenaNet bring Prince Rurik back to the game?
And guess what Queen Elizabeth (then a princess) was doing at the time...
I hope they don’t mess things up by replacing Jeremy Soule on music. He says he had nothing to do with the trailer.
Queen Elizabeth had more military experience than these men ever will.
I never saw the original movie, but I did catch a Korean drama based on it that was utterly appalling.
Oh for the days when Captain Nice and Mr. Terrific battled for ratings...and left shallow smoking craters in the ground side-by-side...
Once upon a time, one of anime’s greatest strengths was its capacity to mash together disparate genres and come up with something feeling fresh and unique. But then, moe happened.
Wonder what anime he watches?
OK, I’m looking for the ASH VS. EVIL DEAD mod here...
How about some Weinstein-style racism?
Feeling a bit of deja vu with memories of Omnitrend’s BREACH on the Atari ST, just as FTL took me back to SUNDOG.
A moment’s silence for all those Asian films that Miramax bought and then never bothered to release...
Just gotta build a wall!
The mention of John Williams’ score sets me to weeping, as I try to remember one note of music from ANY superhero film that’s come out in your cited “modern era”. The only other superhero scores I have are SUPERGIRL and HOWARD THE DUCK, owing mainly to their composers Jerry Goldsmith and John Barry...each was, like…