Uncle Luke demands a recount. *listens to scarred*
Uncle Luke demands a recount. *listens to scarred*
It is total a teachable moment, it teaches us that VA Tech women’s LaCrosse team is filled with bigots and their coach is an asshole. See we are all better informed.
It’s black culture, but stolen and made way more bland.
I feel like the question here is whether Mo’Nique is speaking up about fairness in Hollywood and demanding a boycott because black women are lowballed and poorly compensated for their work, or if Mo’Nique is in her feelings and demanded a boycott because they didn’t offer her enough and she didn’t really give a shit…
My fellow men. I will pass words from my father that were probably passed down from his father. In these times, use it as an edict; a mantra even. Live your life by these words and you shall prosper:
Cool, now report all the white crime from the same timeframe. Any new mass shootings by a white guy this week? You know statistically they’re usually the ones to blame.
Black people tell us we’re not “really” black. White people tell us we’re not “really” white. Both are right.
He isn’t. He’s obviously a white troll.
People who can’t take a joke are the kind of people I like to avoid, so I guess this is a push.
He kinda looks like he’s reading some sort of directions and is about to yell “HEY BABY..COME ON OVER HERE AND ORDER THIS NETFLIX FOR ME..I DUNNO WHAT THIS IS.”
I’m gonna need white people to have a meeting and inform each other that telling a Black person they are racist for generalizing white people is not the zinger gotcha statement of the year they think it is.
Who said this was about helping a cause? Maybe we just want to have a laugh at your un self-aware ass.
#11 “this list is not productive nor a good conversation starter” guy
Nobody really cares...
Pretty sure these people said stuff on Twitter/Facebook. So what’s your next excuse for sheltering America from learning what it is.
White People ruin everything.
This sentiment is a cop-out. Your elders thought the exact same thing about the hip hop and pop you listened to. There’s plenty of trash from the so-called Golden Age, and this argument has been made in perpetuity. It’s boring. There are some truly great producers and rappers out there, but you can’t seem to hear it.