
Yeah, I'd self-identify as a metalhead but I don't self-select socially with other metalheads unless I already liked them.

I know the British skinhead scene is very much non-nazi.

Ugh, is there a single good anarchist punk band?

…if you're a writer and neo-nazis are showing up to shit-talk you, you probably did good.

Okay, so this I think is where we get into the importance of sub-genres and such.

…the reformed Nazi did have it removed.

So you're saying a band needs to release "Nazi Metalheads Fuck Off And Die!"

*basks in the warm glow of satisfaction*

Can I hope that she's miserable?


He gets brushed with the "sensitive rapper" label (which is a slur, apparently) and a bit of the lyrical miracle queerical stuff.

They were Baby's First Metal band for a bunch of kids.

Yeah, but do you know how cheap our cheeseburgers are?

I'm looking forward to your expert testimony in the Hague.

Why do people have to be consistent?

Sup Lars, your drumming sounded liked shit on St. Anger.


They're old man rock now.

Back when as offensive as they got was make dead baby jokes.

Islam is a reason given, not a source.