
…fine speech.

No, Frank Gotch invented it.

Sheesh, I don't like Roman Reigns much either, but…neanderthal? He's Samoan, show a little class.

Trips sell is pretty good.

Scott Hall's stunner sell was the best.

I've always defined hipsterdom as not the liking of obscure shit (cause…I bet we all like something most people would find obscure). But instead a refusal to commit authentically to something. It's the ironic detachment.

Who isn't letting him speak?

Who is censoring them?

They should've won 12 nominations ago.

Megadeth winning?

God, he's just the worst.

I'd like to give a shout-out to Nietzsche right here and he was not, in fact, an awful racist and his actual work refutes that sort of ethno-nationalist superiority.

I'm criticizing anybody who doesn't like Clinton and listens to the Dirtbag Left as rich white boys afraid of losing entitlement.

Yeah, and look what choices they were.


So, if you want to hear some psychobabble, here is my theory.

I tried reading one of their screeds once.

Have you not heard of the Dark Enlightenment?

Nevermind that Hillary was way more to Bernie's left on a ton of issues.

Maybe the Dems should look at y'know the guy who got us to 4.9% unemployment, maybe his way, and the person he basically said was going to continue his policies should maybe have a voice in the future of the party.