
The Raid actors being cast is the only thing that makes me excited about this movie.

Irish and German? No.

I'm somewhat facetious here, but there appears to be some sort of rule set.

I guess I'm trying to figure out the rules for casting.

Bayley is working house shows, she got injured a few weeks ago and the show is in five weeks. That's plenty of time to heal up and I think she can already go.

So…it has to be Sasha vs. Bayley at Takeover, right?

It's super weird. I almost get the vibe that maybe he's holding back or something.

Is this sexism or corporate greed? Because paying people less money is sometimes the desire to pay people less money, no bigotry needed.

His performance was bad?

Yeah, that promo with Kane wasn't…articulate though. It wasn't super cool. It was Seth losing his goddamn mind and he played it brilliantly. I think a person sputtering and getting frantic makes a lot more sense than being confident and well-spoken when you're up against BROCK FUCKING LESNAR!

That was supposed to be "bitch", gorram auto correct.

I love it for those reasons. It's low-rent stripper music and it's great.

"You're not the first person in your family I've made my birch!"

I think Seth is great at cutting promos that aren't good. He's not this articulate, warrior-poet, he's a whiney, complaining, neo-adolescent that's not as clever or cool as he thinks he is. Also, he sells humiliated anger like nobody else.

Stephanie would also never cut a promo about fucking your mother either.

I really liked Charlotte, Becky and Bayley`s old themes. And Alexa had two so dumb they're great themes.

So…I'm presuming this Sasha/Charlotte stuff is prequel material for their call-up as Paige's back-up (A six-woman tag of NXT Champs vs. Divas Champs is as dream match-y as you get in WWE women's wrestling).

I agree that "the good old days" never really existed.

Eh, is he wrong? Just because there are still good movies being made doesn't mean that the state of film, as a whole, isn't worse than it has been.

I was a big fan of Dead Sara's Pleasure to Meet You but they're my shit, so of course I'd think that.