
It's a really weird selection bias.


I know IMDB is a fool's crusade, but I can't believe Interstellar is in like…the top ten highest rated movies by it's users.

I was going along with this guy until he started shitting on Rush.

I'm not saying I'd complain if she did some corny action movies.

I really don't get the vague Anna Kendrick backlash that's happening some places.

Actor's and their desire to be "treated respectfully" and "get paid for their work".

A guy called McMahon loves the Irish…who would've guessed?

I'll regain my hipster cred by marathoning Rilo Kiley.

Maybe I just don't get her.

I want to like her, but I haven't managed to sit through her songs for longer than a minute.

Well, they all sound alike y'know.

That 17 times line was a joke, and the joke was that his movies aren't very good, and most people probably shouldn't like his not very good movies, and feminists (being people) therefore shouldn't like his movies.

Castle is a show that is only tolerable because Nathan Fillion clearly gives zero shits about it.

17 times.

He's not as bad as let's say Michael Bay or Zack Snyder but it's there.

True, but when you're part of the problem it's a mite hypocritical to decry the industry and not take any responsibility yourself.

Really don't think Whedon gets to call cinema sexist when he's not exactly guiltless himself in that department.

Rhymes with time.

It was certainly…uh…surprising.