
Scifi/fantasy is traditionally a male genre and well Leeloo is certainly a male fantasy - just like armored bikinis are more about sexiness than protection.

well they're pretty much boomers - especially if they grew up rural

"Believing in fake news" might be more anecdotal in your experience. Us Gen Xers grew up with fewer info sources, but with far more neutral journalistic integrity. We also saw the rise of online news, self publishing, partisan echo chambers, and we tend to be cynical overall.

I'd also say GenX bridges the gap between analog and digital. They knew a world before computers and the internet, yet easily adopted and influenced new tech. The previous gen is often mystified by smartphones and social media and the later gens usually can't drive stick shift or understand the cold war.

Scotty, one to beam up….
LLAP - we have been and always shall be your fans.