
Tom Brokaw is from South Dakota, dude.
And no, I’m not going to read through the other 555 comments to see if someone else said this first.

Good job, Kuhn. You hit the nail directly on the head. Lowering prices at airports would only decrease the demand for the concessions licenses, thereby lowering the bidding prices, i.e., tax revenues. Essentially what you’re doing having the municipal taxpayers subsidize the people who pass through the airport (many

So, you live in Houston or New Orleans is what you`re telling me.

All you silly motherfuckers, talking about Chicago, or NY. Downtown Houston is the devil’s sweatbox. When I get into the car at 8 AM and the thermometer is in double digits I consider it a relief. It hit 90 yesterday and I thought fall had arrived. Houston is where sweat comes to sweat.