
Porn sites like Pornhub really should start showing videos of human child birth, or improve the occurrence of such videos in the listings. People are so infatuated with what goes in that they have no context at all on what comes out.

in this fantasy world where every Tesla becomes a capable robotaxi

Anime List Drinking Game:

Even changed from “love” to “like,” the homoerotic subtext seems very clear to me.

Once upon a time, I loved anime. More than that, I loved Evangelion.

Another reason why I’m not down with esports: a 12 year old should not *ever* be a “professional athlete.” I’m not that different in my thoughts about child actors.

The missile releases its warhead into low earth orbit, and the warhead then de-orbits above the target, bearing down at hypersonic speeds onto its target

They’d better move quick before Overwatch goes out of style and they have to learn a new game. Maybe they can transition to “The Division 2" in order to get ahead of matters.

Y’know, if people are routinely getting frustrated with a game, backing off and not playing will have a secondary effect of telling the Devs that they screwed up. In this on-line, highly networked world, especially in on-line games like Red Dead On-line, an overall decrease in traffic is likely to get Devs to notice

The befuddling problem with “Overwatch”:

At some point, people are going to realize that the hyperloop is nearly as oversold. Hopefully nobody will be in the process of building one when that happens.

Pluto flying overhead would have been about 150 decibels. To compare, a Saturn V moon rocket at full thrust is 200 decibels. So there’s that.”

So, is the idea that you’re not actually playing an Assassin back in ancient Greece?

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey takes the series to its earliest setting ever, way back to ancient Greece during the Peloponnesian War.

Hold on, that’s just stupid: you’re implicitly asking for a peaceful solution! Why else are you advocating abolishing guns? If the outcome is not peaceful, what in the hell is the point? This is why the mob doesn’t work... you have no idea what you’re even saying except that you want to burn something down if you

“It is better to make many decisions per unit time with a slightly higher error rate, than few with a slightly lower error rate,” he said last weekend in a series of emails with The Wall Street Journal, “because obviously one of your future right decisions can be to reverse an earlier wrong one, provided the

forever have their hands tied by money from both sides and it will remain a standstill indefinitely—unless every. Single. Fucking. Person. Who wants guns gone stands together all at once and protests nationwide to shut this fucking country down to a standstill.

Exactly. And, the next question people fail to ever answer is “Who should be given the power to level the playing field in this way?”

even if an Overwatch hero were to bite the dust, they’d still have a life after death.

An addict named Tweak was teaching me how to make “homeopathics,”