
This more recent stuff is pretty excessive in my book --none of it has really captured me. Just give me another “Jack and Daxter” and I’ll be happy.

Despite its name and what it implies, stainless steel is susceptible to staining and marring. It’s not exactly stain- and rust-proof, but is merely resistant to these

Six months has an exponential amount more hours in it than 150

That’s what makes it all the more curious how quickly Keys’ minor flub was struck from the record. It wasn’t a scandal or even really a mistake.


FF15’s first act focuses on Noctis’s duty as king of a nation at war and his impending marriage to a childhood friend. It sort of makes the road trip feel like an impromptu bachelor party, but the deep bonds of brotherhood that develop make for the real heart of this story.

AI is an useful technology.

So now I, as a mom, get to deal with telling my toddlers we can’t watch Disney+ while in our Tesla

Let me get this straight: people are pissed about the cultural appropriation, but they’re okay with the misogynistic boob armor on a fighting hero? Might as well have her running through the fight naked as long is she isn’t in yellow face.

At stake is the goose that lays the golden egg; this drama was inevitable.

Trying to figure out how running around shirtless in combat ever makes sense to anyone.

Only if you criticize Israel for Palestinian terrorists murdering innocent Israelis and then ignore that the terrorist group is boosting the innocent Palestinian body count by hiding their critical infrastructure behind the innocents and then prohibiting those innocents from getting out of the way.

Seems like a simple solution: don’t buy it. Do you need this? No? Walk on past. Easy to blame the corporations, but it’s not like people are forced to buy anything, especially when it’s purely cosmetic.

Yeast aren’t the same as bacteria. Yeast are fungi, lactobacillus are bacteria. I’m not sure whether the bacteria from someone’s body cavity can ferment, but they might. The article would seem to suggest that they can, but —as likely— given the source, they’re using plain old beer yeast and saying it came out of

Say goodbye to hand-eye coordination.

The most memorable moment from the two-hour film is what fans call the “Akira Slide:” a two-second clip where protagonist Kaneda skids his 200-hp motorcycle on the highway.

There’s always the possibility that that is her work laptop provided by her law firm. Not like people *need* to play games on gaming laptops. May well have been the IT fellow’s idea of a joke, or that they have whatever funding they ask for knowing full well that the lawyers don’t really care what hardware they

Microsoft describes such a machine as a “next-generation hybrid game platform capable of leveraging the combined power of the client and cloud to deliver deeper immersion and entirely new classes of game experiences.” Cool?

Response to the cover image for the video trailer for Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways....

Only if it displaces its own weight of water, which is pretty much undefinable for a metaphorical boat, but sure, whatever toots your whistle;-)