It’s annoying that he can hit dirt jumps with a street setup better than I can hit dirt jumps with a dirt setup.
It’s annoying that he can hit dirt jumps with a street setup better than I can hit dirt jumps with a dirt setup.
I'm not intentionally being contrarian, but I've had perfectly timed clutchless upshifts and perfectly matched downshifts make my whole day. I'll admit, I may have to re-evaluate some things about my life...
Two things:
Its such BS that we arent getting this color on the standard AT. I was ready to trade my V-strom for one, but I refuse to get one unless it’s in this color.
the man farts symphonies, who am i to question his other skills?
Once you ride a light SM in the twisties, your riding life changes. You look at sportbikes and then walk over to the SM and get your hooligan on.
I’ve found putting her in an open face was the best way to keep her from headbutting me.
Literally the craziest thing anyone has ever said in a comment.
When I’m looking for a new motorcycle–which is pretty much always, even when I already have a bike–I tend to buy all…
Jokes, man. Jokes.
She does sometimes, and usually does the reviews.
I’m glad that I can still get a kick out of riding a 25 HP, $500 UJM
Was waiting for this
Sean MacDonald, I believe it was you who made a post about your grand plan to change motorcycle journalism. But you see, journalism is a direct reflection of the culture it exists in at any given time. If you want to change motorcycle journalism, you must first change motorcycle culture. If you want to change…
the same people who ride on trails also need to get things from the mall. People see me on a dual sport and say why aren’t you out in the woods I tell them because it’s fucking Tuesday and my job isn’t in the fucking woods, I’ll go there over the weekend. I can’t spend my life riding trails in the woods any more than…
Not on a bike, not on a trike