
So when a guy says that he “prefers women not wear makeup,” we all know he’s really saying that he prefers no makeup on conventionally attractive women. He’ll just continue ignoring and not giving a shit about unattractive women.

I’ll go on the record and say I’m apparently one of the few guys who prefers no make up, and I actually know what that looks like because my wife does not wear any other than for special occasions. But regardless of my preferences, I could not fathom commenting on a woman’s makeup or lack of make up. Now if my wife

You got weird looks for carrying your kid on your shoulders? That’s really strange, as kids sitting on shoulders is usually seen as something fun. People are weird, and think weird things.

Here’s another car you can get for the price of a ‘97 Integra Type R

The new car is not the old car that you loved. That’s why people do it.

And not using it while driving...

Then post photos showing them using it while driving. Not some lame solitaire photos. 

I got used to automatic lights after a while (except when they can’t decide between on or off because it’s cloudy), but auto HVAC sucks. Just give me a dial where it’s blue on one side and red on the other.

1. There are places where cops are exempt from those laws. 2. They have a job to do, and I’m ok with them taking on a phone while driving in order to get it done.

How is that a problem? Can a cop not take a break while on duty?

Are cops not allowed to take breaks during their work day? Fuck you.

Radio and HVAC dials and buttons are not a source of constant distraction like some of the new screens.

That’s only 18hp, and 7lbs more than my Caravan. But I guess the Camry isn’t shaped like a block of wood.

And people need to stop caring about status. What a stupid thing to care about.

I can see that a new hatchback is larger than an old one. But, why can’t a small truck have the same “safety dimensions” as a current hatchback? The same door thickness, the same door height, etc, etc, etc. Just add a box, and boom. Small, and safe, truck.

If safety = size, why can you still buy small hatchbacks? The Yaris is tiny, and still meets safety standards. A Ranger from any year is larger than a Yaris (not by much in the first gen though).

Or 1? My wife and I had 1 each, and we thought any more than that was a bit silly (aka more $$$ to spend for no reason).

With their friend Anner.

Why are there wussy little tires on there? Needs more rubber.

Or, depending on the caliber used, “split groundhogs”.