
The speed of the glass has nothing to do with the quality of these photos. They're just bad photos, period.

Slow glass would have mattered, if he didn't have a flash with him. But he did, so it didn't matter.

My wife doesn't have or want a cell phone, so no texts. Usually she just leaves a message before I get off work, and it's almost always a list of what to pick up on the way home.

While it does look cool, I'm still questioning why people would buy a product like this (or the AppleTV).

The new system may look pretty, but it needs an Expand All Replies option. There are some really good discussions that happen in the Gawker comments, and this format is going to make reading them quite tedious.

The only problem with these is the orange sole. And, the problem with this article is that Casey keeps comparing them to Five Fingers. The sole is based off the fingery toe shoes, but only in the area of flexing with your foot. These are not ToeTips.

I like where the design is headed (customizable tile sizes), but not the claustrophobic feeling of it. There's just not enough space between the tiles for my liking. I wonder if there will be an option to spread the tiles out a bit? Or are they always a fixed distance apart?

I think the difference that earthlingdave was getting at is that there's almost no space between the tiles. That's what makes it "claustrophobic and tight" and "a colorful mess". I agree with both those statements.

If only I could make a rule that sent all Comic Sans emails straight to the trash folder...

Thanks, I've always wanted to win an Internet!

Merlot than meets the eye.

It's like "Rule 34". If it exists, there is a Craigslist ad for it.

I just use a Press-Bot that fits in my Nalgene bottle. The coffee tastes just as good as from a glass french press, but there are more grinds that get in your cup (the seal isn't as good). I don't think it's available anymore (it was $15 when I got it).

If a cop had tasered my wife when she was 8 months pregnant, they would be a very sorry cop afterwards.

I've done this a couple of times, except that we chopped the heads off instead of the slitting method.

Aliens. The first time I watched it was a lazy Saturday, and my mom put it on. I don't think I was older than 11 or 12. I can't thank her enough for that, I love that movie.

If you don't enjoy the actual workout, find an activity you enjoy outside of the average fitness gym that works your body. I commute by bike everyday (legs, and some endurance) and rock climb lots (upper body!), and I feel fairly fit. They aren't complete total-body workouts, but instead of forcing myself to go to a

After having two drives fail, I still don't have a backup. At least DiskWarrior has saved my ass both times...

I prefer Instagram because the photos in my feed are shot with the purpose of being shown on Instagram. This changes (for better or worse) the way the photo was shot, and makes it more unique. If Facebook Camera shows all of the photo activity from my Facebook friends (regular photo uploads + Instagram-style photos),

Not safe for anyone, especially mice. Just imagine a mouse's reaction after sneaking into that house...