It's the hold that his right hand is on.
It's the hold that his right hand is on.
These are sick. We've got a hold at the local gym that we call the "Death Star", as it's basically a mini version of the one pictured.
Why do you care what your own profile looks like? It's not meant for you, but for others. Heck, I don't care what other people's profiles look like either. Viewing people's profiles is only about 5%(if that) of my Facebook time, and that's not enough to care what it looks like.
Outhouse. Lake. Rubbermade container. Outhouse. Too many speakers.
Build quality is the main reason; the mechanics and optics are second to none. Leicas are the Bentlys/Rolls Royces of the camera world.
Some people prefer simple cameras, and Leica just happens to make some of the finest "simple" cameras around.
"I swear, Leica could put a new sticker on a camera then raise the price $500 and all the hipster fanboys would splooge themselves."
This is the oldest photo that I took that I could correctly find out the age. iPhoto is so messed up because of multiple drive restorations, and people not setting the date and time correctly on the cameras.
Over reacting customer is over reacting. I, too, would be pissed that an employee of Best Buy would screw around with my Facebook account, but this has a simple solution. All that Mr. Dewberry has to do is change his status to...
4,917 FR-S's! (US $, my 'Stang $ was CDN) I'm happy somebody got the reference!
$119,000,000?!? That's 5,600 V6 Mustangs! Why waste it on one (ONE!) painting?
Fake chrome trim. There's just no good reason to buy this stuff.
It all depends on what market you're in. Here, in Winnipeg, $1200 will get you some fairly decent wedding photos. In Toronto or New York, not so much.
If this discovery was at all important, wouldn't it be published in some history/archeological peer-reviewed journal? Producing a TV show before writing a paper? This has to be good evidence that it's probably not the tomb of Jesus, just somebody who is mistaken, or just wants their 15 minutes.
I don't think it's lacking anything, except for some basic photo editing (brightness & contrast). Being able to comment on and like photos, and follow others is exactly the right amount of social interaction.
My sales story isn't about Porches or BMWs. But I did sell an expensive camera ($1000-ish) to an older guy in dirty coveralls. I treated him as well as any other customer, and the sale taught me to never judge a customer by their appearance.
Wow, what a bunch of babies.
It could be possible to put in a gear or two that connect the prongs, causing both to extend even if only one was moved.
Kodak has done this as well...
Taxpayer money or privately funded?; is it art?; stop this waste and feed the poor?... All unimportant questions.