photon arbiter

You’re probably going to pay at LEAST $100-150 more for a comparable PC in terms of specs (TODAY. Prices change fast. Might want to check again closer to November, if you’re planning to buy around launch). How that will perform relative to the Xbox is hard to say, but I’d wager that the Xbox will perform better

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

(no offense intended to service-persons living, retired, or dead. Just illustrating the thought processes whenever a politician decides that they Need a Hero(tm))

If you get in the Regalia (Type F or with the generator) driving as Noct, and turn right out of Hammerhead, there’s an infinite driving loop. So if you have the road trip AP bonus, you can earn infinite AP if you stick the trigger down. It’s slower than grinding with the whistle and shield, but it also can happen

Sure the night nurse was impressed, but what of the butler, chef and groundskeepers?!

As several have already pointed out, Vita game cases are about as wasteful, give or take a centimeter of height. But hey, any excuse to shit on Nintendo, right?

Navigating the UI on the Wii U in a nutshell:

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

You are a goddess.

Jumped into FE Heroes having never played a Fire Emblem game before, mainly because I saw a pic of Camilla. Rerolled until I got a 5* Camilla (along with a 5* Lyn as a bonus!)

damn you!!

Ha. IMO, common practices are worth talking about and examining. Also why I covered the restarting for shinies in Pokemon.

360noscoop bitch

shit you scooped me

Smash 4 3DS on EVO 2018 confirmed

I don’t game much these days, but I played about 20 minutes of CoD online two months ago, and every week I’ve been getting added to and messaged from multiple groups with the name “Free PSN codes!” or the like. Finally had to turn my messages off because of it. Reporting 5 of them to Sony, doesn’t seem to do much of

It used to be a Vius.

This is pretty common for smaller fighters squaring off against larger fighters, gender ignored; I believe the luchador guy in Street Fighter has the exact same move. Any pro wrestler has probably executed or suffered a frankensteiner before, which is the same thing, minus the spinning. It’s basically about using